I wanted to draw particular attention to a few pieces, I'm only sorry I don't have the time of blog space to write about everyone's unique creations!
Firstly a set of 4 fishy coasters by Gill. Apart from the wonderful shapes and textures involved we worked upside down in order the guarantee getting a set of functional coasters once fired. This way any air bubble that might be trapped within the glass wont effect the stability of Gill coffee cup or glass of wine!
And secondly the beautiful Poppies by Hazel. An emphasise on bold colour combinations has created some wonderful stylised finish to these confetti flowers. I hope she doesn't mind me saying this but Hazel was wonderful to work with, being partially sighted, she had a wonderful overview of her designs. Wanting a variety of bright colours to enjoy, the challenge was that some of the coloured glass are Striker colours, meaning the may look very pale almost clear when working with them but the colours change and intensify after firing. See Hazel's Butterfly in the facebook album.
Thank you to everyone who attended to course, You have given me some lovely ideas to develop for future workshops.
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