Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Glitzy Glass at Rufford Craft Centre

Another full group of fantastic ladies all ready to have a go at fusing glass for the first time!

Here are just two of the taster pieces which we make first thing at all my full day workshops. Using my portable kiln which fires in 25 minutes and cools in 2.5 hours.  Its a great way to see the changes that happen to the raw glass and metal inclusions.

Below are some photos of the finished pieces.  Its a pleasure to see the range of styles, colours and designs, I think you'll agree...


I find the finish of the tree piece above really interesting. The use of wire inclusions and frit on top of the two layer of glass really gives a look of depth.  The air bubbles that have become trapped between the two layers are accidental but quite beautiful, in my opinion!

Check out my website for an up to date list of workshops for 2013! 

Seasons Greetings

Examples of Stevie's Kiln Fused Glass work